PNPM & Nuxt 3 Monorepo

PNPM & Nuxt
PNPM & Nuxt

Written by: Dabiddo


Before following this guide, you must know that I’m using VSCode DevContainers, you can refer to my previous post on how to setup an enviroment for Astro, to know how I setup the NodeJs enviroment.

This guide is the same as : setting up a Nuxt Monorepo, except I’m not using the packages directory…yet, you can follow the original guide I you want to also learn how to setup shared components in a monorepo.

PNPM monorepo

Initiate workspace

pnpm init

create the workspace yaml file

touch pnpm-workspace.yaml

Inside the yaml file, define the structure of the monorepo

  # all packages in sub dirs of packages/ and apps/
  - 'packages/**'
  - 'apps/**'

Intiate a git repo

git init

create a .gitignore and add the basic node exceptions

# .gitignore

Create a .npmrc for vue compatibility, this was taken from the original post, referenced in the Pre-requisites.

touch .npmrc


CD into the /app directory to create the Nuxt applications

mkdir apps
cd apps/

Creating Nuxt Apps

Use PNPM to create Nuxt 3 apps

pnpm dlx nuxi init <PROJECT NAME>
pnpm dlx nuxi init <PROJECT NAME 2>

for every project made, modify their package.json to change the name and port

  "name": "nuxt-app", //<--change name
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "build": "nuxt build",
    "dev": "nuxt dev --port=3010", //<-add port
    "generate": "nuxt generate",
    "preview": "nuxt preview",
    "postinstall": "nuxt prepare"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@types/node": "^18",
    "nuxt": "^3.5.0"

go back to the root folder and install dependiecies

pnpm i

run all projects unsing the pnpm recursive command from root folder

pnpm -r run dev

run only 1 project using the ‘filter’ command

pnpm --filter PROJECT_NAME run dev
